Peace of Chakra

Each chakra holds its own power & purpose.

Peace of Chakra is a 7 day candle that is  focused on each chakra, individually. These can be used to heal or open a chakra to be at its full potential and aligned. Each candle is blessed and dressed for its purpose, if you are wanting to add additional intentions please add that in the notes section.

  • Root Chakra – Red; Confidence, Stability, Grounded
  • Sacral Chakra – Orange; Sensuality/Sexuality, Self-Love, Creativity
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow/Gold; Confidence, Self-Esteem, Motivation
  • Heart Chakra – Green; Emotions, Self-Awareness, Money Flow
  • Throat Chakra – Blue; Assertiveness, Expression, Effective Communication
  • Third Eye Chakra – Indigo; Intuition, Spirituality, Truth
  • Crown Chakra – Purple; Higher Self, Deeper Spirituality, Transformation

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