
Klarque’s presence as soon as she entered my home, which also happened to be my birthing environment, was incredibly calming and safe. I could feel her confidence and our energies were able to immediately work together as she supported me through some of my toughest contractions. She constantly reassured me and reminded me of my ability to birth my baby, my way. Klarque held space wonderfully for my husband as well, as he supported me in pushing through. It is without a doubt that Klarque’s spirit was created for this work. Klarque respects and honors the sacredness of birth and does not take her work lightly. She showed up and showed out for us beyond expectation. She has been called and ordained to lend her gifts as a doula on this earth and anyone who is lucky enough to bring her on their birth team is in for a major blessing.
- Daylisha
Klarque, Words cannot express our gratitude for having you there with us through the birth of Zaniyah. We are so thankful that you joined us and helped us to have such a wonderful journey bringing her into the world. With it being our first child having someone there with your knowledge in childbirth, made it a beautiful experience. Having you with us from beginning to end advocating and coaching us through a wonderful somewhat stressful time exceeded all expectations! Helping families is definitely your calling-you’re such a natural. We feel like you are family. We recommend everyone have a doula, whether you use a midwife or an OB.
- The Grear Family
The universe sent me Klarque exactly when I needed her most. My first birth was fairly traumatic – a 4-day induction, which led to a cesarian birth. My second, was equally traumatic because I was diagnosed with preeclampsia. I was so nervous and on-edge the day of my second birth. It was a scheduled cesarean at 37 weeks, and I was terrified that my baby wasn’t ready. In walks Klarque… It was almost immediate that her energy calmed me down. It’s hard to put into words, but she made me feel like everything was going to be okay, and that’s really what I needed in that moment. Cesarean births can be scary. You can’t feel the bottom half of your body, and you really can’t move your top half either. Even though I’d done it before, I didn’t remember it all because I was so exhausted the first time. This time, I was aware of every minute detail… and thus had high anxiety. At every turn, Klarque assured me that what I was feeling was normal. I couldn’t stop shaking after birth, which totally freaked me out, but her calming presence and words assured me that it was completely normal. My baby needed some additional support once he was born, so my husband stayed with him, and Klarque stayed with me. I’m so grateful I didn’t have to be alone at that point and that she was there in those scary moments. She truly made me feel supported, strong, and comforted on one of the most important days of my life. I will forever be grateful for her and all the energy she brings.
- Angie

To Our Doula Klarque,

I definitely had some fears before you were our Doula. Those fears derived from birthing my son 15 years ago. I was younger, did not know my own body, was afraid of what it was getting ready to do and was overwhelmed by all the incomprehensible information piling on me.

I’m grateful that you truly advocated for us by being engaged with every nurse/doctor's questions and information towards us until the rewarding end. It felt good to have you there making sure we understood my options and being my voice when I did not have the energy. Thank you for being attentive to me. I felt comfortable 100% of the time because of you. Thank you for helping to facilitate my labor and advocating for my concerns prior.
Thank you for taking over from the nurse and giving the push count major energy once you saw I was getting weak.

Because of you, I was present in each moment and have beautiful memories. This was my husband's first birth experience. He was concerned with being scared for me and of me. You prepared him before and assisted him during my labor. Therefore, my husband had the happiest experience of his life. Thank you for being by my husband's side and by my side when I was at my most vulnerable. We hoped having you as our Doula would help make my second labor different from my first. Klarque, what you gave us was so much more! 

- Sparkle